How You Can Help
Food Donations:
- At Herizon House we have a full food service program and are always in need of food.
- Please call Administration at 905-426-1064 extension 2223 to inquire about what kind of food we are currently in need of most.
- Also remember to check food donations for expiry, to ensure the items are usable and to reduce waste. Thank you!
Cash Donations:
Click on the Donate button to complete a secure PayPal donation:
Credit Card
Click to pay by Credit Card through our account:
Mail your donation to:
Herizon House
314 Harwood Ave. South
P.O. Box 21012
Ajax, ON L1S 7H2
Other Donation Methods:
*NOTE: We are currently unable to accept any used clothing donations*
Other Donations:
Herizon House is endlessly thankful for the continued support that we receive from the community. Your generous donations have the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of women and children who are forced to leave their homes and all that is familiar to them in order to find safety in our shelter. We genuinely appreciate all donation efforts, but regretfully cannot accept some items due to health and safety reasons and lack of storage options. Here is a list of the items that cannot be accepted, although we do appreciate the thought:
- Used children’s toys
- Large furniture items
- Baby furniture and equipment (cribs, strollers, play pens, car seats, etc.)
The following is a list of ways you can help and items that we are able to accept as donations. Thank you for your support!
Tangible Gift Needs:
Herizon House is always grateful for practical item donations for women, children and teens (girls and boys under 18 years of age). We ask that all clothing-related donations be seasonal (ie. summer clothes in the summer), again due to storage issues. The following is a list of suggested items: The following items marked with an asterisks (*) are required most urgently at the Shelter.
- Linens:
- Single bed fitted, flat sheets *
- Crib Sheets *
- Comforters – single/double *
- Pillows *
- Bath Mats
- Shower curtains
- Toiletries:
- Shampoo/conditioner*
- Antiperspirant
- Body lotion
- Diapers (especially toddler sizes)*
- Pull-Ups
- Baby Wipes
- Laundry Baskets*
- Clothing Items: (we are currently at capacity for used clothing items)
- New Summer Pajamas
- New Baby Sleepers
- Kitchen Items:
- Small kitchen appliances (toasters, kettles, coffee makers, small microwaves, crock pots, etc.)
- Full Dish Sets
- Dish detergent
- Cups and glasses
- Cutlery sets *
- Non-Perishable Food Items:
- Peanut butter
- Jam
- Pancake syrup
- Pasta sauce
- Crackers and nut-free granola bars
- Canned soup and vegetables
- Coffee
- Cooking oil and spices
- Rice
- Juice boxes
Gift Certificates:
Gift Certificates are a great opportunity for women, teens, and children to purchase the items they need and/or to replace important items they had to leave behind. Some gift card options are as followed:
- Teens:
- Movie passes
- Electronic stores
- Department stores
- Women:
- Restaurants
- Hair salons
- Department stores
- Grocery stores
- Drug stores
- Kids:
- Department stores
- Toy stores
We ask that if you have a donation for our shelter that you first call our Administrator at (905) 426-1064 ext. 2223 to set up a drop-off time. This ensures that someone will be at the shelter to receive the donation and properly thank you for your generosity.